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heat capacity and orthotropic heat conductivities

internal resistances and capacities for an RC cell model

dependence of data on temperature and SOC

We test the cells in the climate chamber

Thermal and electrical properties of cells vary with temperature. We can test heat capacity, heat conductivities and and all electrical properties (internal resitance and electrical inertia for the RC cell model). The measurements can be done between -30 and +60 degrees C.

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Nonuniform heat generation

Cells do not generate heat uniformly. If you e.g. cool down prismatic cells from the bottom and they mainly generate heat close to the connectors, you will underpredict temperature level. That is why we can identify nonuniform heat generation in your cells when we prepare a digital twin for your company.

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San Francisco, CA 94143


M-F: 8am – 10pm
S-S: Closed

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(235) 396-0987